
In my professional career, both Hungarian and foreign activities play an important role. I have never worked abroad for an extended period of time, but I have participated in many foreign projects and have been/am in permanent contact with international organizations, such as URBACT or Eurocities.

I really like organizing professional discussions and discussion forums. The living testimony of this is the Budapest Circle, which has been operating since 2004, having since then monthly meetings, always on a specific urban topic, with invited speakers. At the end of 2022 we are already at the 210th meeting.

In addition, during the pandemic, I initiated online evening discussions with my foreign friends and professional acquaintances- since then this has also become permanent on a monthly basis and now the hundredth meeting is approaching.

I am a passionate amateur photographer and I try to use my photos in various ways, not only in professional presentations. This is how my slide contests came about, which I have been organizing for decades twice a year: in English, with a European perspective within the framework of the ENHR (European Network of Housing Researchers) yearly conference, and in Hungarian, focusing on Budapest, at the beginning of the year, at the party given by the Metropolitan Research Institute. With the help of my photos, I also create a special form of New Year’s greeting, writing a New Year’s photo essay, which I distribute online to a wide audience in the first minutes of the year. Finally, I have had several photo exhibitions on urban themes both abroad and in Hungary.

Anyone who knows me knows that I try to go everywhere by bike. I sincerely believe that the bike is the best means of transportation in the city. I try to combine cycling with photography, and if I also have time to go geocaching, this helps me to explore many unknown parts of Budapest.